Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a little of this and a dash of that

ahhh....Christmas is almost here....the lights are up - the presents are bought - some are even wrapped and my house is starting to get tidy....

My kids are five so this is the perfect age for them to have adoration of all things Santa...

However this morning TW comes running into my room all bright eyed and bushy tailed, her hair looking like she got a late night vists from some gnawing rats...she was just so freakin excited and she was jumping up and down, clapping her hands in glee and shouting.....


and before you even ask - I might be mean but I didn't tell my girls that Santa had a sex change and is now going by the name Jenna Clause...

No Jenna is a very sweet college student that happens to work at my daughters let me preface this by saying the Third child and I don't get a chance to go out very often - we don't have family (ahem AKA FREE babysitters) around - so when we do go out we have to save up for it - sort of like I guess Christmas...

So the Third Childs work party is tonight and of course last week he asked if WE could find a babysitter
  • Ok Tanget Time....why is it men always seem to say WE...they don't really mean it - what they really mean is why say WE....- I mean they sit there and say "Why don't WE plan to go out next week" - what they are really saying is "Hey I have an idea why don't WE go out - so that means you make all the plans, even though it is not your idea to go out and make sure you find a babysitter and oh yeah don't forget to remind me about OUR plans 50 bajillion times because I have the attention span of a gnat" .... do they add up all these supposed WE's in their little head - so when you are in the middle of an argument for the 50th time about he never makes plans he can whip out - "I make plans for US all the time....don't you remember when WE planned...."
anyway so I asked Jenna and lo and behold she is done with classes and she could babysit - told the girls and they are super excited

I asked TW who she is more excited about Jenna or Santa Clause.....her response - Jenna

Probably because Santa comes more often then Babysitters.... and he is a hell of a lot cheaper on the pocketbook then paying for 5 hours of babysitting...

A Christmas Miracle???

A recent conversation with TW

TW: Mommy what do you want for Christmas
ME: Peace from my children
TW: Sorry Santa can't do that kind of magic...

so true....


Gretchen said...

When the operative "we" is used, I'll reply, "Do you me we or me?"

Too true. Have fun at the party!

MamaMaven said...

Hope that you had a good time at the party and that Jenna worked her magic!