Monday, July 16, 2007

Hitting the Motherload

It all started last week…

On Tuesday night we walked into the house to a sound that I can only describe as 100 cicadas mating furiously in our living room…the noise was high pitch and deafening….

Third Child and I are looking and looking trying to pinpoint where the noise was coming from…finally we decided it must be coming from our TV or the cable box…

So we unplug everything and the noise stops…TC plugs the TV in and BAM…the noise is back…

Sniffle Sniffle the TV is dead…but inside I was rejoicing…our TV had been having “issues” so I had been researching HDTV’s…so I looked at TC and said “after dinner we go buy a new TV”

I knew exactly the one we wanted and off we went…first we went to Sears and talked with a very nice man about the TV we wanted to buy…but alas they didn’t have any in stock and it could take up to a week to get it…so we were forced to go to Circuit City…

I HATE Circuit City with a passion – the sales people are idiots…they fired all their good sale associates because they made to much money and hired teenagers who don’t even know the basics…heck read the friggin Circuit City website and acquire some knowledge on the things you freakin sell…the last time I went to CC was to purchase an MP3 player – so this couple and I are over looking at the MP3 players – at this point I am not an expert but I did do a little research about the various brands and models – Couple asks the sales associate a basic question…sales associate says “I dunno” – so I jump in and gave the couple a basic run down of MP3 players and the pros and cons of various models…all information I got from the friggin Circuit City website…after asking the sales associate a few more questions the couple and I looked at one another and I said “well I am heading over to Best Buy maybe they know something other than ‘I dunno’” – so couple and I trooped out of CC and across the street to Best Buy – where we both made purchases…

Anyway the particular TV I wanted Best Buy does not carry so I was stuck with Circuit City…so after Sears we go to Circuit City – and wait and wait and wait – TC and I are walking up and down the isle of the TV’s trying to make eye contact with the sales associates – twice we were told “Be with ya in a minute”…yeah – so 10 minutes later I finally troop over the checkout and ask if they had the particular TV I was looking for in stock because according to their website they did and I would like to purchase it…Apparently the cashiers had arrived to work on the short bus…because I got blank stares – so finally one poor person took pity on me and found me a sales associate – I made the purchase and away we went…

So we get home and realize that our new TV will not fit in our TV cabinet – cabinet 31” wide…TV 31.4 “ wide – so I look at TC and said “cut the MF’er down” – which he did and very nicely I might add the next day.

So Wed night TC and I unpack the TV and put it on our newly remodeled TV cabinet and then we get stuck – apparently our digital cable box is for old decrepit TV’s and we have a new HDTV and much like Cats and Dogs they aren’t going to mate…I finally succumb to plugging the cable right into the TV – at least we would get some basic TV for now…So DH and I are watching TV and we had the following conversation which will factor into this increasingly long story…

TV shows commercial of new Fall Show Journeyman

Me: - What a farce – it sounds like Quantum Leap

TC: But it is different than Quantum Leap

Me; Really - no shit (of course said sarcastically) – Quantum Leap was da’ bomb and Scott Backula was quite delicious – like a fluffy stud muffin.

TC: I am sure you can still see Quantum Leap – maybe it is on the Sci-Fi channel

Me: That would force me actually look for it – rather than it just being there. Ya know if they are redoing Bionic Woman they could redo Quantum Leap – I would be all over that.

So on Thursday I call our cable company and lo and behold they actually have an appointment time for 7am-9am the next morning to deliver and set up an HD box…Well sign me up – then the rep asks a question “Do you want DVR” – hummmmm DVR – “How much more a month would it be?” - $7….well go ahead and sign me up.

Friday morning the cable guy arrives (at 9am of course) and installs my new HD/DVR cable box…joy…

I don’t get a chance to play around with said DVR and cable box until Saturday night and even then I just read the directions on how to record a program – so I figured I would give it a whirl and find some Kim Possible episode at 12:30am to record (for the kiddos)

Sunday morning said kiddos are driving me bonkers so I decide to let them watch TV and remember I recorded a Kim Possible episode…so let’s try that DVR out –

Click on My DVR and notice on the first page there seems to be more stuff then just Kim Possible…and my DVR says 42% full…obviously I got a well used unit…so I am looking 20/20…My Name is Earl…Primetime – ok stuff I can delete…then I page down…OMG…what is that QUANTUM LEAP episode…no freakin way…page down again


And page down again and again….all QUANTUM LEAP’s

I counted about 20 in all…

Sweet mother of DVR…

I feel like I won the DVR lottery…

Thank you O’ TV Gods for putting my old TV out of it’s misery…

Ummmm Scott Backula in his prime – snarf snarf snarf….


Builder Mama said...

Obviously, karma was working heavily in your favor. Score!

Gretchen said...

As I was reading this, I was thinking you could just search for QL (Yes, I'm a fan).


Anonymous said...

I told you that DVR is the bomb:)
You are one lucky woman!!
And if you havent figured this out already, the dvr will automatically record shows based on your watching habits unless you turn this feature off. Or it was eavesdropping on you and TC's converstaion;)