Monday, January 28, 2008

Explain to me why....

Little girls underwear come in even sizes...


Considering by the time my girls shucked thier diapers their butts were to big for size 2 -so we went straight for size some point we segwayed into Size 6...

Now I am finding some of thier size 6 underwear is getting to be too small...well at least for one of them who screams "It is going up my butt" at least 3 x's per week...thank goodness 90% of those times are when we are safe within our own home...the other 10%...let's just say we have given some shoppers a giggle or two...

Anyhoo...before X-mas my MIl called to ask what size underwear they were wearing...thinking ahead I told her 8...

So for the one who is screaming "It is going up my butt" I gave her a pair of 8's to put on...

and they pretty much fell right off...and when she pulled them up the wasitband was just slightly south of her non-exsistant Ta-tas

So either my kids are going to be walking around with a perpetual wedge or they are going to start wearing granny panties at a pretty young age...


MamaMaven said...

Yeah, I don't know what is up with little girl panties!

Tree said...

Boys' is not much different, but they do have the option of boxer briefs. Since N is such a big kid, those are his choice.