Friday, June 13, 2008

A night in my life...

So last night TC went to bed early at about 9:30…I settled onto the couch after making yet another batch of chocolate starfish pops for my sisters upcoming wedding…only 2 more batches to go – yeah me…

So about 10:30 I see our dog Murphy “playing” with something out of the corner of my eye…I sort of see where it goes up in the air and then she catches it – I think nothing of it thinking she is playing with her ball…then she lays down and I hear noise…but not the squeak, squeak noise of her ball…

I get up off the couch to take a better look and see a big fat dead bird on my floor…

I scream which causes Murphy to snatch the bird up into her mouth and stand her ground…

I scream some more…and yell “TC…TC…TC” and TC isn’t coming – so I run up the stairs and scream some more…

TC finally wakes up and stomps downstairs…

TC: Geesh it is just a dead bird
ME: It is sooo disgusting and gross
TC: You could have picked up and thrown it away
ME: OH NO…I don’t touch anything dead except humans…and I get paid to do that

After the bird was disposed of I turned to TC and…

ME: nice to know if I was being attacked you would wake up and come to my rescue
TC: I would have woken up if Murphy was barking – why didn’t Murphy bark
ME: ummmm because her mouth was full of dead bird

And through all the screaming and carrying on the girls never woke up…crap something else they have inherited from TC…

Note to self: Try not to get attacked in own home when everyone else is asleep…

is the week over yet???

1 comment:

TxGambit said...


My dog brought me a dead bird. At least he didn't play with it... It was more of a gift to me. (gag)