Wednesday, October 07, 2009

You Little Girl, are no friend of mine…

So last night while going over homework TW informs me that her little friend from afterschool care J told her that sometimes babies come out of your private parts.

Hearing this did not make me happy…Especially since when the girls asked how babies get out of a mommies belly I have used the explanation of "They cut your belly open and pull the baby out", complete with a veiwing of a C-section on an episode of A Baby Story. I thought I was in the clear for a little longer...

I am not an uptight mother…I do think my children should know about the birds and the bees, but when I am ready …not on the timetable of another 9 year old little girl.

Later on TW informed me that she hoped when she had a baby that it does come out of her private parts because it would hurt less...ahhh the dreams of the youth

This past summer I had a few discussions with mommy friends that have girls the same age as mine and how pretty soon we were going to have to pony up and divulge what being a woman is really like to our young charges…none of us is quite ready.

What lead to those discussions was TW asking me how babies are made. She didn’t understand how the babies get into the mommies tummy. I so wasn’t ready to go there. Even though I was able to successfully divert her attention with some chocolate, I know the day of truth is drawing nearer…

During a neighborhood party I asked our one neighbor who is a practicing general practitioner Doctor what would be the appropriate thing to say…after glancing at her 1 and 3 year old little girls I was told “When you figure it out let me know”.

I mean we have had the Animals Frolick conversation - but I am just not ready for this now…A good friend of mine suggested buying the American Girl Doll book “The Care and Keeping of You”…looks like Amazon will get more of my money…and I have another gift for under the tree this year*

*yes I am well aware that by giving a book about Puberty as a Christmas present will probably come back to haunt me…I figure I am helping some therapist down the line as “The Christmas my mom gave me a book about my changing body” will probably be good for at least 2 sessions

1 comment:

Mama2Munchkin said...

Like you, I'm not ready to talk about how babies get into the mommy's belly, but Jenna does know where they come out, and that it does hurt a little. Yeah, okay, I fudged that one, but who wants to scare a then 5 year old about it?? She was mainly concerned that Keeley would come out brown b/c of poop :) and was very glad to see her after a few hours all pink. Thankfully, Jenna hasn't asked how they get in, b/c I have no clue what I'm going to say...
