Friday, June 02, 2006

Timing is Everything....

Last Feb. I joined Weight Watchers...I was tired of being overweight - I had been overweight most of my teen years and managed to loose a bunch of weight my senior year of high school...I entered college with a lot more self esteem than I had in high school and with a totally different outlook

I even managed to fend off the dreaded Freshman 15 (probably because my dorm was the farthest you could get from the academic halls and I had to walk up a big hill to get there...) Over the course of my college years I only managed to gain back 10 I also gained a fiance.

Then the slow descent back to Fluffyville began...I manged to hold my weight steady by going to the gym a few times a week...but did I bother to watch what i ate...nope and since both my fiance and I were working full time and going to grad school that meant a lot of fast eats ala - Kraft Mac and Cheese and the ever faithful Ramen noodles...

After we got married we decided to buy a house...hello mortgage...goodbye $$ for the gym...and then working and doing stuff around the house...and then having money to eat real food - not neccessarily healthy food....

I did manage to do fairly well - but a few years out of college I had managed to gain back about 25 lbs...not a pretty site.

Then I got pregnant...had a MC and ate my way through the few weeks following that...then I got pregnant again - this time with twins...during the pregnancy I was told - and I did...did...did

anyway fast forward to last Feb - after getting back pictures taken on my Birthday (Dec 31st - I'll expect cards from you all this year) I was horrified at the person in the picture...

I knew right then I had to do something...

so off to WW I merrily skipped...and I did great...lost 40 lbs and well then life caught up with me and I stopped going - I did really good though and managed to hold my weight steady until the past few weeks...slowly, ever so slowly the numbers have been going up

the final straw is last week the day after getting back from FL I stepped on the scale and was astonished to find I had gained FIVE POUNDS...

That was it - I need the accountability of stepping on a scale in front of other people every week...the support of other people who are going through what I am going through...a place to go where I am not the biggest person in the room...

So last night I went and re-joined WW...

Turns out my timing could not have been better...I got home from the meeting and walked upstairs to get changed. I was wearing a long skirt that buttons up the front - I had the top 3-4 buttons undone as I walked in to my room - my lovely twin skin belly was hanging out...TW saw me and ran over to me to give me a hug - then she put her hand on my belly and the conversation went something like this

TW: Oh mommy do you have another baby in your belly?
ME; NO!!!!!!
TW: - Oh then are you just really full?

all the while my darling husband was giggling...giggling so hard I think he might have peed a little in his panties...

I am taking the conversation as a sign that I did the right thing...that spending that $100 is not going to be wasted...

so here I go again...


Builder Mama said...

Good luck - I am right there with you, as I've been fighting off gaining any weight back for the past few weeks. I find that weighing myself every day (which is one of the biggest taboos) really helps me keep things in check. That and I really need to get off my arse and start exercising more regularly rather than just when I feel like it (never).

TxGambit said...

Good luck! I know you can do it! You are definitely an inspiration to me. I didn't have twins but I think I can picture it enough by looking at me... No I can't look! Just need to stop eating so much (emotional eater) and workout (too tired from all the emotional eating!)

Hugs and again good luck!