Monday, April 30, 2007


yep imagine that chaos in the house of chaos...

I will resume writing shortly...but suffice it to say after
  • an all day regional conference (which ROCKED)
  • a birthday party for TWO 6 year olds that included, but was not limited to, 28 OTHER 6 year olds
  • guest coaching a Kindergarten Jesus League Soccer Practice - let's just say there were a lot of "Oh God" battered about and not in the form of prayer...NEVER, EVER again will I attempt to be a coach where the main goal is to herd at least FIVE 6 year olds towards a common goal...I would rather castrate donkeys...lot less frustration...
  • Playing single mom for 3 days while hubby had to go to Orlando for work (yeah Third Child tell me again how bad it was to HAVE to go to Citywalk and HAVE to have a beer or two and HAVE to dance like the white boy you are....)
  • attending a Multiple Moms convention (OK this was awesome...the highlight of the trip - spending an hour in a Barnes and Noble...walking around and just browsing....)
  • gearing up to play single mom again for 7 days...while Third Child goes and walks around the plains of Kansas with his brothers looking for turkeys...

I am right now I am taking a short little break from the three of you that read my little blog will have to wait...

In the meantime - take a look HERE - there really is a website for anything....

1 comment:

TxGambit said...

I read your blog! :) So make that 4.

Hang in there! You have been very busy to say the least.