Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Still alive...

Yes I am still alive - thought I dropped off the face of the earth didn't ya...

Summer has been a busy time for me...lots of soul searching and decisions about if I could even keep up this blog and if I did take the time to do it does anyone really care?

My decision......I am going to keep at it - will I blog every day - nope - but I do promise to try and do something at least once a week...

I have also made the decision to combine this my "personal" blog - with my more crafty blog - so for those of you coming to read about the exploits of myself and my family - there will still be posts about that...but those will be intermingled with posts about my other "try to be" crafty side.

Over the next few days I will be reposting some of the posts from my crafty blog here...I will also try to intermingle a story or two from my daily walks of life...not that it is all that exciting...

Over the next few weeks I will be making some tweaks and changes to the blog - chances are a new banner will appear one day...links on the side will be added...some maybe taken away.

I am hoping these changes will be positive in nature - allow myself to show a bit of my crafty side to others...why still sharing the trial and tribulations of a working mom with twins and a third child :)

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