Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just Blog it....

I decided to start my blog because many of my friends have thier own blogs and I enjoy reading them from time to time...if anything it makes me feel more normal. I also like to read other peoples blogs...especially people who are very shall I say different from me...it doesn't make me feel like such a weirdo.

But the real question comes in to play of how exactly did blogging begin... I am in no means an expert on blogging having just picked this up the other day, but the internet makes me marvel at the advancement of technology.

A few years ago (ok more like 15 years ago) there was really no such thing as the 'net...(just a vision in Al Gore's head I guess) - 15 years ago I was in college and still looking up newspaper and magazine articles via microfilm (go ahead and ask any 20 year old if they know what microfilm is - all you will get is a blank stare) - anyhow there was in fact a very small beginning of the 'net - what people on my campus called "mudrooms" - this allowed you to chat with students at other colleges - I never did this but a few of my numerous roommates did...

and much like today...a few of them actually MET boys in the mudroom...and invited them to our house...*gasp* - I distinctly remembered the first boy that showed up on our doorstep - the poor boy was lily white and looked like he had just escaped from his parents basement after watching a Star Trek marathon for a month. Needless to say his visit was cut short by my roommate. But think about it - nowadays people log in all the time to find love, a soulmate, a bed buddy.

What does this have to do with blogging - I'm getting there...hold your panties...

Anyway from the mighty mudroom - as more and more people had their own personal computer and the college chat took a giant leap forward to become "THE 'NET" also came the invention of the Bulletin Boards and chat rooms...no longer did someone have to bore thier friends and family about the marvels of toy trains - why they could go on-line and find a whole community that get their rocks off playing with little engines and steam cars. The weird guy who sat across from you in homeroom English can find a kindred soul halfway across the world that shares in his passion for toesucking...amazing isn't it...you can justify to yourself that you aren't weird because there are other people out there JUST LIKE YOU!

Blogging is just another step past bulletin boards - with blogging you can say want you want, when you want and how you want...if no one cares or reads it so be it...but bloggin serves a useful purpose - it allows others and peek into your life...in some cases it makes them feel just a little bit better to know there are far worse wackos out there then themselves...

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