Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Va-jay-jay among other things...

Gosh I sure do love being the mommy of almost 5 year olds...their inquisitive nature...thier endless questions...

some of the questions are simple to answer

Q. Why is the sky blue?
A. Because Pink would look funny.

Q. How do airplanes fly?
A. Because they have wings.

Q. Why do I have to go to sleep?
A. So the monsters under your bed can come out to play.

But then there are questions you just don't know how to answer...or really don't want to answer...I don't know about the rest of you but I think they forgot to remove the instruction manual from my uterus to help me out in certain situations...

The other day I was running around trying to get into the shower - I was in fact naked...well Pantie-wad girl came into the bathroom to see what I was up to...even though she had seen me naked many times before THIS TIME she asked me "Why do you have hair down there" as she pointed to my Va-jay-jay (snaps out to Greys Anatomy).

A simple question...no?

I sat and thought - what do I tell her - do I lie and just tell her everyone gets hair down there or should I tell her the truth and expose her to all sorts of weird Brazillian waxing information...the bare it all fetishes...of course I didn't go for the truth - I simply told her that all women get hair down there - upon hearing that she peered down her underwear and asked when she would be getting some hair - I told her Puberty...she asked what puberty was...I said it was when you get boobs...

she simply looked up and said...

I hope I get bigger boobs than you.

Well darling...that won't be to difficult for you to attain...

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