Friday, April 07, 2006


well you all know what that means...


This week has just dragged on...most of it has to do with the stupid time change...

I am offically feeling old if changing the clocks by a measly hour is affecting me this much...

I swear when 6 am rolls around amd my alarm goes off I just want to throw it across the room - this morning I didn't get out of bed until my alarm had been going off for about 20 minutes and even then I felt like a zombie...I even fell asleep last night at about 10pm - so I got 8 hours of sleep...maybe I got too much sleep??? is that possible

What happened to the days where I stayed up until 3 am...and then managed to make it to an 8am English class...

oh yeah wait - I got knocked up...

1 comment:

Builder Mama said...

It has totally been kicking my ass too. Today I feel like someone ran over me with a truck. And I agree, remember the days when you could stay out all night long and still make it to class or work, no problem? Now I'm just a big old wuss.