Friday, January 05, 2007

OH the humanity....

and so it begins....

it is THE DAY - for more information so you don't think I am totally nuts - Prepare Your Fridges the day to start the Future MILF diet and what did I forget to do - weigh I worried - nope I'll just be a day or two later than everyone else...besides tonights Pizza night and I am planning on taking the girls to the movies tommorrow and sorry I just can't get through a movie involving chirpy little cartoon characters (especially when one is voiced by Andy Dick) without a big vat of buttered popcorn...

The other day the Third Child decided to try his hand at making venison jerky...I merely rolled my eyes and said "that's nice dear" - so he sets out and grabs a chunk of his nasty-ass deer meat from the freezer and proceeds to let it thaw...when it is all thawed out the next day he comes to me...all dolled up in his flannel shirt and ripped sweatpants - holding a big bag of thawed meat and asked me "how much do you think this weighs"

ummm yeah - appearently he thinks that the mere fact I have ovaries gives me some special power to deduce the weight of meat in a plastic bag - I told him he should go upstairs hop on the scale without the meat - then with the meat - and subtract

Five minutes later he comes back downstairs all dejected looking and says "the only thing the scale told me was that I am fat"

SOOOOOOOO not only am I doing this so I can be a Future MILF - but I am pretty sure my third child would like to become a Future DILF.

So to start off I am going to try and set some realistic goals and go 1 week at a time...

Overall my goal is to loose at least the 15 lbs I have gained since the last WW meeting I went least then hopefully I won't have to keep unbuttoning my pants everytime I sit down. Ultimately I would like to go for 30 lbs....but I am keeping it realistic here

So for next week
  • Set up a good meal plan for the whole week - actually plan out healthy and nutritious dinners that take less then 30 minutes to prepare
  • Drink my water - 6 20 ounce glasses/bottles a day
  • Actually eat some form of nutrious breakfast so I am not circling the vending machine like a rabid wolf at 9am in the morning and choosing thing like ring dings
  • Get on my elliptical machine at least 3 times - now notice I am not putting a time limit - if I can get up and do it for 10 minutes...then at least I am doing it right...

and happy dance...happy dance....clap for me - my first HTML thingy....

1 comment:

MamaMaven said...

Okay lady, I am with on the FMILF thing!

Site looks good.