Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's not trash...

So yesterday I got home from work late...I managed to have 3 minutes alone in my house before TC, PWG and TW came bursting through the door from religious ed.

Then I was introduced to "Casey"...

Some kids have imaginary friends...my kid builds a "robot" out of discarded food boxes.

I'll have to admit he was pretty sweet...especially since his main body was a Fruit snackers box...but apparently much like Cherry Darling Casey can kick some ass with his Winchester rifle shell box arm...

This morning as I was gently telling (ha ha ha) my kiddos to get in the car - PWG told me I had to wait because "Casey" had to go to his school...flung on all the lights in the front room and propped him up next to Dancing Elmo (who I now refer to as Stroke victim Elmo being that his battery is slowly running out...his dancing moves are pretty jerky and you can't understand all the words)

ME: PWG please turn off the lights
PWG: Then Casey can't see
ME: Didn't you build him with see in the dark vision
PWG: Yes I did - thanks for remindin' me momma

and the lights go off...

QOTD: Just remember if the world didn't suck we would all fall off

1 comment:

g-man said...

Yeah we have spooky low battery Elmo too, it freaks me out.