Friday, October 05, 2007

A Senseo Sensation

I enjoy perusing peoples blogs…especially the crafty ones

While perusing my friend, Jimmi's blog (hi Jimmi) I came across a chance to complete a survey and possibly receive a Senseo Coffee maker

Now since she had done it and actually received the Senseo Coffee maker I figured I would give it a whirl…

I went HERE and filled out the survey

A few days later I got a confirmation e-mail in my box…followed the link – paid $15 to Sara Lee Corp. and a few days ago this showed up on my doorstep… (well mine is black)


I pulled it out of the box, flushed the system and tried it out – YIPEE…..YAHOO

See come November I become a hunting Widow…I no longer get to sleep in on Sat and Sunday mornings and when I stumble down the stairs there is no fresh brewed coffee waiting for me…and a momma without coffee is not a happy momma…

And I know you are saying – just make a pot yourself…but nay there are but two things in this world I haven’t quite mastered in the kitchen…

  • Brewing a pot of coffee
  • Making pancakes (sad isn’t it…I follow the freaking directions and they still come out bad – either to thick or to thin…TC on the other hand makes them just right)

I have had my eye on one of these single serve coffee machines for awhile…but the price had turned me off being that I would just be using it for myself. But for $15….hey worth a try…

FAB-U-LOUS…..(ok when you read this word have it sound like a Gay Man in your head)

Decent cup of fast coffee = happy momma…

Now to work on Senseo to offer some more flavored coffee and maybe some Chai Tea pods…


Tree said...

You have tempted me to go there! What flavor does it come in?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you got one, too!!!