Friday, October 05, 2007

We all have Issues....

I certainly have a lot of issues myself…but now that I am a mother I wonder how much of that was ingrained in me from my mother and how much was just my own natural ways of dealing with things…

I ask this because I do believe I have made PWG addicted to pantyliners.

She is 6 years old.

See it all started about a year ago…she wet her bed in the middle of the night for the first time in a long time…I guess the stress of worrying if she was going to wet the bed again caused her to develop Pollakiuria

She was going to the bathroom a few times an hour…one time on 10 minute “I know exactly what I need” trip to Target we visited the bathroom 3 times…her issues lasted about 3-4 months before finally waning.

But the offshoot of the Pollakiuria episode


Yes drops of urine that happen in her panties…she can’t stand them and now has a habit of changing her underwear 2-3x’s a day because of “drops” – I have tried to explain to her that if she is afraid of a little moisture now – she was going to be a wreck once she has children but being 6 she doesn’t quite understand that.

Oh yes the pantyliners…

One day as I was dropping off TW and PWG off at before school care and PWG got this wild look in her eyes and hissed “DROPS”…and told me she needed a new pair of underwear…being that I was already late to work I told her to “deal” – apparently that didn’t cut it and a temper tantrum ensued…being that I am not MacGyver and can not create a new pair of panties out of a quarter and a Chiclet I did the next best thing…drug her into the bathroom and did the “folded toilet paper” trick and stuck it in her panties.

That was all fine and good until 2-3 days later and she came to me one evening and told me she had “drops” and wanted some toilet paper in her panties…I rolled my eyes and as I did they hit on my box of pantyliners…

Thus an addiction was born…

Now she doesn’t want them everyday…but I have a feeling next time I go to the warehouse store I will be buying that BIG-ASS box of 500 liners…

Any guesses as to how I will ruin my children next?


Gretchen said...

I think it's a wonderful solution - clearly one can not carry around a purse full of panties.

TxGambit said...

Actually I think that is a great solution!

I'm sure there will be much worse ways you could ruin them.... :)

Tree said...

I agree that it is a good solution and one she can manage by herself as long as supplies last.